SPEAKING EASY - A Defense of Positivity

(By Melody Werner)
If you read Popcorn & Fizz a lot, you might have noticed that my reviews tend to hew more positive, often glowing. Sure, there are the negative reviews; Next Gen, Control (no, not that one), Gnome Alone, Kingdom of Heaven, and (most brutally) Pacific Rim: Uprising (which admittedly reads more as decapitation than critique) are some examples of media that I've torn to ribbons on this iteration of P&F, and that's just talking fully fleshed out reviews, as I'm not afraid to get negative in segments such as Webcomic Rundown or Quickies. These overall trends are due to a few factors, some I have gone into before (e.g., I have attempted to disassociate myself from the "rage reviewer" persona that plagued many of my reviews I posted on Google+)--but today I wanted to make a spirited defense of focusing on positivity.


Many reviewers I follow and respect are infamous for their negative opinions; Anthony Fantano of theneedledrop and Jim Sterling spring to mind, among others. I understand why negativity is popular (it's fun and full of spectacle), and I understand why those reviewers mentioned are less reticent than I am to post more negative reviews (they do reviews/critique as a full-time job whereas I am a mere hobbyist; they try to review newer releases while I focus on anything that interests me (including older pieces of media); people go to them for their opinions, not necessarily their recommendations; shitty studios, record labels, etc. are more likely to release more dross if folks don't kick up a fuss). But I am less predisposed to posting reviews that hew more negative, unless I have some larger point in mind or I feel the need for such catharsis.

The Immortal Hulk

That all said, over the past few years I have grown increasingly miffed by the pervasive cloud of negativity that hangs over any form of accessible popular media criticism. Negativity is important, but it's also good to count your blessings when you have them and to be genuinely glad that something exists when you enjoy it. And I'd like to be at least one person who, in my own small way, shines a greater light on comics, music, video games, films, novels, etc. that I deem well made. Who shines a light on all the good media that may have been buried due to some shitstorm that was going on elsewhere in its industry drawing everyone's attention at the time. Good media that is due a thoughtful reappraisal.


Some of my all-time favorite things period have been released relatively recently, whether we're talking the alluring These Savage Shores, the immaculate Red Rising saga, the thrilling Meliora or the strange and mesmerizing Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides, the pulse-pounding RUINER, or the stellar Hell or High Water. I'm not going to pretend that I have the objective opinion on anything, but I will say that I think people have become a little overly cynical these days. There is plenty of enchanting work that has come out or is coming out this year, last year, the year before last, etc., and it's a shame to see people write it all off carte blanche because they decided they didn't like some of the more conventional releases.

Kennel Block Blues

When everything's all doom and gloom, it's nice to have a momentary respite from that. I'd like to provide that reliably.


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