(Review by Melody Werner)
Double King is a 2017 animated short film by lone animator Felix Colgrave. It tells the story of a snail-like king who kills other kings for their crowns. And it is a goddamn masterpiece.
The animation is tight and elegant, achieving a great otherworldly air in some points. The music also helps to create this brilliant atmosphere. Despite only clocking in at around 10 minutes, DK feels like it's a journey, constantly changing things up while always remaining satisfying. It's also consistently hilarious, sometimes owing to the absurdity and other times owing to perfect timing.
I have no qualms in saying that Double King is going to be remembered as a classic one day. Its bizarre, humorous adventure is something I find myself ritualistically coming back to every month or so. It never gets old. And it never will. Double King gets a 5/5.
Double King is a 2017 animated short film by lone animator Felix Colgrave. It tells the story of a snail-like king who kills other kings for their crowns. And it is a goddamn masterpiece.
The animation is tight and elegant, achieving a great otherworldly air in some points. The music also helps to create this brilliant atmosphere. Despite only clocking in at around 10 minutes, DK feels like it's a journey, constantly changing things up while always remaining satisfying. It's also consistently hilarious, sometimes owing to the absurdity and other times owing to perfect timing.
I have no qualms in saying that Double King is going to be remembered as a classic one day. Its bizarre, humorous adventure is something I find myself ritualistically coming back to every month or so. It never gets old. And it never will. Double King gets a 5/5.
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